As we enter a season typically all about connection, celebration, and reflecting on our path forward, as a nation we are questioning our basic safety and wondering if this is where we belong. In a recent nationwide Harris Poll for the American Psychological...
“Red and yellow kill a fellow” is a common warning to help identify the coral snake which is poisonous to us. However, this phrase may also apply to your health. Red and yellow on the traffic light tool are states of survival. There’s nothing wrong...
Why you are flipping your lid? Do you remember the last time you “flipped your lid”? Or experienced it when someone around you did? “Flipping your lid” is psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Siegel’s term for what happens when stress shuts down part of your brain. Marital...
The real reason we’re having a hard time moving past COVID Although the pandemic is technically winding down in the U.S., many people are still struggling to make the transition back to a more normal rhythm of life. As people return to the office, almost 63% report...